




The Hussle, The Bussle


The hussle, the bussle

The faces of people unknown

Well unknown to me that is

Pass me by to where ever they go



So push your bike and your pram

And hold on to your change

Don’t let go of your bairn

And head for your bus



That’s right fuck-off

And don’t be annoying me

I have problems of my own



I forget to think

That you may have troubles of your own

So what would the answer be

Should we sit down and have a pint

And exchange your stories of trouble and woe



Have you a family tall and proud

Who respect and cherish one and all

Or are they selfish and shits like me

Who only care about their core



I have stopped and though for a moment

And cared for my fellow man

But I suddenly realise

That it's a moment too short

As you stand on my pride and pass me by

Simply not caring whether I live or die.


 James Watson

© 1997




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